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c_Pot2018Contours Spatial dataset of the potentiometric-surface contours, Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2018, in feet


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McGuire, V.L., Seanor, R.C., Asquith, W.H., Nottmeier, A.M., Smith, D.C., Tollett, R.W., Kress, W.H., and Strauch, K.R., 2020, Datasets used to map the potentiometric surface, Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains the contours, in feet, of the potentiometric-surface, spring 2018, Mississippi River Valley alluvial (MRVA) aquifer. The contours are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). The contours were derived from most of the available groundwater-altitude data from wells and surface-water-altitude data from streamgages, measured in for spring 2018. The potentiometric contours ranged from 10 to 340 feet (3 to 104 meters) above NAVD 88. The regional direction of groundwater flow was generally towards the south-southwest, except in areas of groundwater-altitude depressions, where groundwater flows into the depressions, and near rivers, where groundwater flow generally parallels the flow in the [...]


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MRVA_Pot2018_contours_ft_graphic.jpg thumbnail 2.75 MB image/jpeg
fgdc_classic.xsl 80.57 KB application/xml 1.84 MB application/zip


The purpose of this data release is to provide the potentiometric contours for spring 2018, MRVA aquifer.

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