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Grids in support of the U.S. Geological Survey Thermal Model for Seismic Hazard Studies


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Boyd, O.S., 2019, Grids in support of the U.S. Geological Survey Thermal Model for Seismic Hazard Studies: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


A 3D temperature model is constructed in order to support the estimation of physical parameters within the USGS National Crustal Model. The crustal model is defined by a geological framework consisting of various lithologies with distinct mineral compositions. A temperature model is needed to calculate mineral density and bulk and shear modulus as a function of position within the crust. These properties control seismic velocity and impedance, which are needed to accurately estimate earthquake travel times and seismic amplitudes in earthquake hazard analyses. The temperature model is constrained by observations of surface temperature, temperature gradient, and conductivity, inferred Moho temperature and depth, and assumed conductivity [...]


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NCM_ThermalGrids_VersionHistory.txt 538 Bytes text/plain
NETCDF_README.txt 2.61 KB text/plain


The purpose of this dataset is to provide the 2D grids used to construct the 3D thermal model, a part of the USGS National Crustal Model for seismic hazard studies.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P935DT1G

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