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Contributing Zones of the San Antonio, Barton Springs, and Northern segments of the Edwards aquifer


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Stengel, V.G., Musgrove, M., Mahler, B.J., and Lamberts, A.P., 2020, Contributing Zones of the San Antonio, Barton Springs, and Northern segments of the Edwards aquifer: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Edwards aquifer is a karst aquifer system that is a primary water source for a large part of central Texas including the city of San Antonio, Texas. These vector geospatial data represent the geographic extent of the contributing zones for the Northern, Barton Springs, and San Antonio segments of the Edwards aquifer. The contributing zone is defined as the drainage area of the Edwards Plateau that contributes surface water to the Edwards aquifer recharge zone. The recharge zone is where surface water and precipitation infiltrate into the outcrop of the rocks that compose the aquifer (see Ashworth and Hopkins, 1995, and George and others, 2011). References Ashworth, J.B., and Hopkins, Janie, 1995, Aquifers of Texas: Texas Water [...]


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These data were created to map the geographic extent of the Contributing Zones for the Northern, Barton Springs, and San Antonio segments of the Edwards aquifer in Central Texas. The decision to use the TWDB outcrop recharge zone boundaries was based on the need for full coverage of the aquifer extent. A full coverage of Edwards formation data pertaining to the contributing zone is provided by using data compiled from TWDB. The data facilitate mapping of individual or partial segments of the full extent of the contributing zone of the Edwards aquifer. Data of higher quality than the TWDB data are available for distinct segments of the contributing zone for the Edwards aquifer from mapping efforts completed by various agencies (including the U.S. Geological Survey, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality [TCEQ], and the Edwards Aquifer Authority [EAA]).

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9Y8Q62S

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