Historical Produced Water Chemistry Data Compiled for the Elk Hills Oilfield, Kern County, California
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Gans, K.D., Metzger, L.F., Gillespie, J.M., and Qi, S.L., 2019, Historical Produced Water Chemistry Data Compiled for the Elk Hills Oilfield, Kern County, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9Z8ZSVS.
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 340 samples of produced water from the Elk Hills Oil Field. Water that is produced as a byproduct of oil production is called produced water. The publicly available produced water chemistry data was compiled by USGS staff using historical DOGGR datasets and scanned images. The data were transferred manually into a numerical dataset and organized by specific produced water chemical characteristics. Each sample is identified by its API (American Petroleum Institute) number, latitude and longitude, well name, formation name, perforation interval, and date tested. The geochemical analyses include major ions, some minor ions, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, specific gravity, [...]
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 340 samples of produced water from the Elk Hills Oil Field. Water that is produced as a byproduct of oil production is called produced water. The publicly available produced water chemistry data was compiled by USGS staff using historical DOGGR datasets and scanned images. The data were transferred manually into a numerical dataset and organized by specific produced water chemical characteristics. Each sample is identified by its API (American Petroleum Institute) number, latitude and longitude, well name, formation name, perforation interval, and date tested. The geochemical analyses include major ions, some minor ions, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, specific gravity, resistivity, electrical conductivity, and charge balance.
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The data were compiled by staff of the USGS California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) project as part of the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Regional Monitoring Program of water quality in areas of oil and gas production. The data were compiled for forthcoming interpretive reports and publications that will compare historical groundwater chemistry data to newly collected groundwater and produced water chemistry. These data will be used as part of an analysis to determine whether oil and gas development has contributed to any potential changes in groundwater chemistry on a regional scale. These historical data are intended to be used to broadly characterize the range and central tendencies of produced water chemistry in comparison with groundwater from water wells. Because the collection and analysis methods and circumstances under which the historical samples were collected cannot be fully known, the intent is that these historical data will be analyzed in groups using many sample results rather than detailed interpretation of each individual sample. This approach will filter out any individual results affected by unknown sampling and analysis conditions.