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Final Report: Edwards to Gulf Landscape Conservation Design Pilot Project - Conservation Blueprint


End Date
2019-09-17 05:00:00


LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), M. Clay Green(Principal Investigator), Bryan Tarbox(Co-Investigator), Jennifer Jensen(Co-Investigator), Thomas B. Hardy(Co-Investigator), Final Report: Edwards to Gulf Landscape Conservation Design Pilot Project - Conservation Blueprint,


The Edwards to Gulf Conservation Blueprint represents a participatory effort to develop a suite of decision support tools that facilitate cooperation between conservation partners in the region. The blueprint was created in a transparent and iterative process, building upon a previously existing coarse filter blueprint to generate a fine filter by increasing the spatial resolution, and number and variety of indicators used. This iteration of the blueprint focused on a subset of habitats within the region (floodplain forests, freshwater wetlands, major rivers, rice agriculture, tallgrass prairie, and tidal wetlands), with an emphasis on rpomoting conservation of focal species identified by the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation [...]


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