The code includes separate logistic regression models for the positive control, negative control, and exposed conditions. The proportion of mortalities (number of dead zebra mussels compared to the total number of zebra mussels in the sample) in the containment bags were modeled with a binomial distribution and a logit link function. A scale parameter was added to the model using the random_residual_statement.
Required data includes:
test temperature voltage waveform (AC or PDC) mean voltag voltage gradient repetition number exposure duration treatment group total number of animals in the replicate number of mortalities in the replicate
Outputs include:
Means were calculated for: the percent dead, the voltage gradient, the power density, and the Joules per cubic centimeter for each temperature, voltage type, and treatment group. Generalized linear mixed model(GLIMMIX) and logistic model results are given.
Mortality plots of the interaction of exposure duration, voltage type, and temperature are given. The predicted probability of mortality and the 95% confidence intervals are also depicted for each waveform and temperature for the peak dose (joules/cubic centimeter) and the dose (kWh).