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Wadeable stream habitat data integrated from multiple monitoring programs for the US from 2000-2022


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Scully, R.A., Dlabola, E.K., Heaston, E.D., Bayer, J.M., Courtwright, J.L., Snyder, M.N., Hockman-Wert, D.P., and Saunders, W.C., 2023, Wadeable stream habitat data integrated from multiple monitoring programs for the US from 2000-2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Wadeable stream habitat data from four long-term monitoring programs (AIM, AREMP, NRSA, PIBO MP) were obtained, pre-processed, transformed, and combined using R code following the Stream Habitat Metrics Integration (SHMI) Data Exchange Standard. The dataset includes 26 stream habitat metrics collected between 2000 and 2022 across the United States at ~12,000 locations from ~19,000 data collection events for a total of ~200,000 measurements. Measurements include reach characteristics (sampled reach length, channel gradient, sinuosity), channel dimensions (bankfull width and height, average bankfull width to depth ratio, mean thalweg depth, average wetted width), channel substrate particle sizes (percent fines, percent bedrock, fine [...]


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entity relationship diagram.jpg thumbnail 1.03 MB image/jpeg
AnalysisStreamHabitatMonitoringMetricDataset.csv 4.54 MB text/csv
Event.csv 1.01 MB text/csv
Location.csv 910.1 KB text/csv
MeasurementOrFact.csv 6.87 MB text/csv
RecordLevel.csv 2.3 KB text/csv


This novel dataset was created as a case study of using the SHMI data exchange standards and to increase accessibility to stream habitat monitoring program data across jurisdictional boundaries.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9J3P7SN

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