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Floating transient electromagnetic (FloaTEM) surveys in the Delaware River near Barryville, New York


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White, E.A., Johnson, C.D., Briggs, M.A., Adams, R.F., Stocks, S.J., Minsley, B.J., Kress, W.H., Rigby, J.R., and Lane, J.W., 2020, Floating and Towed Transient Electromagnetic Surveys used to Characterize Hydrogeology underlying Rivers and Estuaries: March - December 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release.


Floating transient electromagnetic (FloaTEM) data were acquired on the Upper Delaware River during December 2018. During the survey, approximately 10 line-kilometers were collected in the Upper Delaware River, near USGS boring 12008-14 (!/search) near Barryville, New York study area. Data were collected by members of the U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrogeophysics Branch, New England Water Science Center, and the National Park Service UPDE. FloaTEM data acquired along the Delaware River in Sullivan County, in New York, were collected to test a new continuous water-borne transient electromagnetic data collection platform, and to characterize the subsurface resistivity structure. FloaTEM data were [...]


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“Map showing location of Delaware River FloaTEM survey as model residual values.”
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These data were collected to field test a new floating transient electromagnetic data collection system and contribute high-resolution information about subsurface geologic structure that can be used to delineate fresh-water/saline water contacts, delineate aquifer materials for water-resource investigations, and to inform hydrogeologic models.
Map showing location of Delaware River FloaTEM survey as model residual values.
Map showing location of Delaware River FloaTEM survey as model residual values.



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