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Final Report: Improving Predictions of Water Supply in the Rio Grande under Changing Climate Conditions.


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David Gutzler, 2020-06-19, Final Report: Improving Predictions of Water Supply in the Rio Grande under Changing Climate Conditions.: .


Declining snowpack is one of most easily visible features of a warming climate in mountainous areas of western North America, and the further decline of snowpack is a robust projection from climate models simulating a warmer future climate. Major rivers in western North America are largely fed by snowpack, but the physical relationship between temperature change and snowmelt runoff is complicated, and model projections of future streamflow in western rivers vary widely. The goal of this project was to assess the changing relationship between snowpack and streamflow in the headwaters basin of the Rio Grande, using both observed data and climate model simulations. First, we assessed how well measured snowpack served as a predictor [...]


Author :
David Gutzler
Funding Agency :
South Central CASC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • South Central CASC




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