Effects of pulse duration on common hydroacoustic measures in Lake Erie in 2011-2012 and Ohio Reservoirs in 2017
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Dillon, R.A., Conroy, J.D., Kocovsky, P.M., and Ludsin, S.A., 2020, Effects of pulse duration on common hydroacoustic measures in Lake Erie in 2011-2012 and Ohio Reservoirs in 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P91ZTNLJ.
Hydroacoustics is a common sampling tool in freshwater and marine ecosystems, yet the full potential of this tool remains restricted, owing to an incomplete understanding of the influence of many data collection settings. In particular, investigation into the effects of the pulse duration setting on common hydroacoustic measures remains limited. Hydroacoustic theory suggests that pulse duration can affect how many single targets (e.g., individual fish or invertebrates) are detected, the mean target strength (TS) of sample cells, and estimates of target density, especially in ecosystems with an abundance of potential targets. To quantify the influence of the pulse duration setting on these important and commonly used hydroacoustic measures, [...]
Hydroacoustics is a common sampling tool in freshwater and marine ecosystems, yet the full potential of this tool remains restricted, owing to an incomplete understanding of the influence of many data collection settings. In particular, investigation into the effects of the pulse duration setting on common hydroacoustic measures remains limited. Hydroacoustic theory suggests that pulse duration can affect how many single targets (e.g., individual fish or invertebrates) are detected, the mean target strength (TS) of sample cells, and estimates of target density, especially in ecosystems with an abundance of potential targets. To quantify the influence of the pulse duration setting on these important and commonly used hydroacoustic measures, we sampled multiple ecosystems (Lake Erie and three tributary reservoirs) that span a wide gradient in fish density and regularly use hydroacoustics to assess fish biomass.
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Kocovsky, P. M., Rudstam, L. G., Yule, D. L., Warner, D. M., Schaner, T., Pientka, B., Deller, J. W., Waterfield, H. A., Witzel, L. D., & Sullivan, P. J. (2013). Sensitivity of fish density estimates to standard analytical procedures applied to Great Lakes hydroacoustic data. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 39(4): 655-662. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2013.09.002
Dillon, R. A., Conroy, J. D., Rudstam, L. G., Craigmile, P. F., Mason, D. M., & Ludsin, S. A. (2020). Towards more robust hydroacoustic estimates of fish abundance in the presence of pelagic macroinvertebrates. Fisheries Research. 230: 105667. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105667
Parker-Stetter, S. L., Rudstam, S. L., Sullivan, L. G., & Warner, D. M. (2009). Standard operating procedure for fisheries acoustic surveys in the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Special Publication: 09-01. https://www.glfc.org/pubs/SpecialPubs/Sp09_1.pdf
The data were collected as part of doctoral dissertation research assessing fish and invertebrate abundance in Ohio Reservoirs and Lake Erie. The data are useful for understanding the effect of pulse duration, a user-specified data collection setting, on estimates of hydroacoustic densities of fishes.