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Oil and Gas Development by Greater Sage Grouse Breeding Habitat Matrix


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Knight, A.C., and Duniway, M.C., 2020, Oil and Gas Development by Greater Sage Grouse Breeding Habitat Matrix.


This is a 16-class categorical raster that displays the intersection of oil and gas probability map from the work by Copeland et al. (2009) and the greater sage grouse breeding habitat probability raster. We have divided each probability into quartiles, and then intersected those two 4-class rasters to create a new raster that classifies most areas in the intermountain west into joined oil and gas development and greater sage grouse breeding habitat probability (0-25, 25-50, 50-75, and 75-100 % for both; 16 classes). Copeland, H.E., Doherty, K.E., Naugle, D.E., Pocewicz, A., and Kiesecker, J.M., 2009, Mapping oil and gas development potential in the US Intermountain West and estimating impacts to species: PloS one, v. 4, no. 10, p. [...]


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oil and sagegrouse configuration grid /se_ong_grsg_grid.json

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  • GRSG Breeding Habitat Prob. within Oil and Gas Prob.

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