Sperry Glacier, looking south. Glacier National Park, Montana. 1908.
Date Taken
Summary: Sperry Glacier, looking south. Glacier National Park, Montana. Photo taken by F. Lieberg in 1908. Courtesy of Glacier National Park Archives. Glacier latitude: 48.622924 Glacier longitude: -113.756065 FYI: lat/longs may be pasted to the search bar in Google Earth to find the location.
Summary: Sperry Glacier, looking south. Glacier National Park, Montana. Photo taken by F. Lieberg in 1908. Courtesy of Glacier National Park Archives.
Glacier latitude: 48.622924
Glacier longitude: -113.756065 FYI: lat/longs may be pasted to the search bar in Google Earth to find the location.
Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Glacier National Park digital collection, 2018 DENPH0011.
Images that were acquired from the Glacier National Park Archives may be protected by copyright, https://rightsstatements.org/page/CNE/1.0/?language=en.
Permission may be required for use, https://www.nps.gov/glac/learn/historyculture/collections.htm.