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Winter Annual Grass Seedling Reduction for Restoration of Native Sagebrush Grassland Plant Communities


ABSTRACT: The long-term goal in our proposed project is to identify better methods to increase the resilience and resistance of sagebrush grasslands that have an existing understory of invasive annual grasses. More specifically, we propose to compare the effectiveness of two different herbicides (alone and in combination) to selectively reduce the abundance of invasive annual grasses while minimizing harm to established native vegetation. AWARD ID: F20AC11454 START DATE: 9/1/2020 END DATE: 8/31/2023 SOURCE: Region 8 Science Applications AMOUNT: $248,748 PI: Paul Meiman, Extension Specialist, University of Nevada, Reno CONTACT INFO: 775-738-7291, LEAD ORG: University of Nevada, Reno FWS Project Officer: [...]

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