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Water and sediment data used to evaluate selenium hazards in the Salton Sea ecosystem


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Groover, K.D., Roberts, S.A., McPherson, J.W., and Rosen, M.R., 2022, Water and sediment data used to evaluate selenium hazards in the Salton Sea ecosystem: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Due to declining water levels and increasing salinity in the Salton Sea which may increase the hazards to wildlife, the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation are re-evaluating selenium concentrations in the region. As part of this work, selenium concentrations in water and sediment samples and selected other inorganic constituents were compiled from published reports, public databases, and unpublished archives into a tabulated spreadsheet. This spreadsheet represents a rapid synthesis of available data on selenium concentrations in water and sediment in the region surrounding the Salton Sea, however it does not include all data ever published in the region. Additionally, the data compilation was done with an emphasis [...]


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These data were compiled as part of an effort to assess available data on selenium concentrations and data gaps in science regarding selenium in and around the Salton Sea. This project was done in response to rapidly forming wetlands on the margins of the Salton Sea caused by declines in water level elevation. This data release contains both published and previously unpublished data focusing on concentrations of selenium in water and sediment samples collected in and near the Salton Sea, California, 1966-2020, as well as some other constituents such as total dissolved solids, lead, and mercury.



  • USGS California Water Science Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9VIK7LK

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