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WATSTORE Peak flow data for peak-flow frequency analyses for selected streamgages in and near the Milk River Basin, Montana, based on data through water year 2018, Part 1


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Siefken, S.A., Chase, K.J., Armstrong, D.W., Alexander, J.S., McCarthy, P.M., and Buchmiller, S.J., 2021, Peak-flow frequency analyses for selected streamgages in and near the Milk River Basin, Montana, based on data through water year 2018, Part 1: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This file (wymt_ffa_2018D_WATSTORE.txt) contains peak flow data for peak-flow frequency analyses for selected streamgages in and near the Milk River Basin, Montana, based on data through water year 2018. The file is in a text format called WATSTORE (National Water Data Storage and Retrieval System) available from NWISWeb (


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wymt_ffa_2018D_WATSTORE.txt 185.11 KB text/plain


This file is used as input to the U.S. Geological Survey PeakFQ computer program used for peak-flow frequency analyses.

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