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Electron Probe Microanalyses of apatite, rutile, and titanite from stream sediment and rock samples in the eastern Tanacross quadrangle, eastern Alaska


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Kelley, K.D., Adams, D.T., Lowers, H.A., and Graham, G.E., 2021, Electron Probe Microanalyses of apatite, rutile, and titanite from stream sediment and rock samples in the eastern Tanacross quadrangle, eastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The exploration for porphyry deposits in some parts of Alaska may require unconventional exploration geochemical methods, depending on type of cover. The Taurus deposit and others in the region are mostly concealed by residual soils that in part include ash and loess, and therefore traditional stream sediment samples typically contain subdued geochemical signatures. Indicator mineral studies include collection of stream sediment samples and analysis using automated SEM mineralogical techniques. The presence of select minerals in the stream sediments may indicate mineralization. In addition, the chemistry of specific minerals may be used to distinguish a hydrothermal origin as opposed to others, and include apatite, rutile, and titanite. [...]


Attached Files

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2018-03-05_Rutile-TitaniteR.csv 192.88 KB text/csv
2018-03-13_ApatiteR.csv 149.49 KB text/csv
2019-05-15_Apatite_new_F_R.csv 882.71 KB text/csv
2019-05-28_RutileR.csv 712.88 KB text/csv
2020-09-09_ApatiteR.csv 204.51 KB text/csv
2018-03-05_Rutile-TitaniteR_DataDictionary.csv 14.47 KB text/csv
2018-03-13_ApatiteR_DataDictionary.csv 22.17 KB text/csv
2019-05-15_Apatite_new_F_R_DataDictionary.csv 13.62 KB text/csv
2019-05-28_RutileR_DataDictionary.csv 14.46 KB text/csv
2020-09-09_ApatiteR_DataDictionary.csv 37.51 KB text/csv


This dataset aims to determine if apatite, titanite, and rutile can be used to fingerprint porphyry-style mineralization near the Taurus deposit in eastern Alaska.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P99WAF5B

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