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Collection of significant mineral occurrences from Alaska


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This collection represents the DGGS Alaska mineral resources and exploration database, with a focus on critical minerals. The Alaska Minerals Database (AMDB) provides access to information on all "significant" occurrences and properties in Alaska, including any known references to by-product critical minerals. This collection helps agencies and industry identify and prioritize regions and Alaska deposit models prospective for a variety of commodities, including critical minerals. The collection includes XXX records of Alaska mines, development and exploration projects, and significant mineral prospects.

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v_nggdpp_mineral_activity_db_12232020.csv 409.01 KB text/csv

Material Request Instructions

Please contact us for additional information regarding this collection at or call (907) 451-5000


The populated Alaska Minerals Database and resulting products help agencies and industry identify and prioritize regions and Alaska deposit models prospective for a variety of commodities, including critical minerals. This collection will ultimately increase the public's exposure to critical and other mineral resources information in Alaska by facilitating dynamic and annual, static products, including data-rich web maps, downloadable GIS data, Alaska Mineral Industry reports, printed maps of mineral activity, and non-proprietary supporting documents.


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ScienceBase WMS


  • ReSciColl Archive



This collection record and the associated records were compiled by DGGS staff and completed by funding from the FY 2020 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, award number G19AP00077.

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NGGDPP Collection Extension

Inventory of mineral resources sites (Inventory of mineral resources sites,

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