Metamorphic mineral assemblages of slightly calcic pelitic rocks in and around the Taconic allochton. Southwestern Massachusetts and adjacent Connecticut and New York. circa 1966.
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Album caption: Metamorphic mineral assemblages of slightly calcic pelitic rocks in and around the Taconic allochton. Photomicrographs of coexisting staurolite (St) and epidote (Ep) in (A) sample 356-1 (plane-polarized light). Southwestern Massachusetts and adjacent Connecticut and New York. ca. 1966. Published as figure 8-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 1113. 1981.
Album caption: Metamorphic mineral assemblages of slightly calcic pelitic rocks in and around the Taconic allochton. Photomicrographs of coexisting staurolite (St) and epidote (Ep) in (A) sample 356-1 (plane-polarized light). Southwestern Massachusetts and adjacent Connecticut and New York. ca. 1966.
Published as figure 8-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 1113. 1981.
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Metamorphic mineral assemblages of slightly calcic pelitic rocks in and around the Taconic Allochthon, southwestern Massachusetts and adjacent Connecticut and New York. Professional Paper 1113.
Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Zen, E-An Collection.
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