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Final Report: Evaluation of sustainable water availability in drought prone watersheds in Southeast Oklahoma


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Wayne Kellogg, 2020-06-30, Final Report: Evaluation of sustainable water availability in drought prone watersheds in Southeast Oklahoma: .


During the severe drought of 2010-2015, several communities in southeast Oklahoma nearly ran out of water. Some of these communities rely on streams and rivers as their sole source of water, and when these sources almost ran dry, it left them searching for alternatives and wondering how to manage future water uncertainty. To address these challenges this study used historical and climate projections through the end of the century to model potential impacts to individual water permits, and to estimate projected supply-demand curves for the most water vulnerable communities. This study focused on local communities within the Red River Basin in both the Chickasaw Nation and Choctaw Nation territories. Additionally, this study examined [...]


Author :
Wayne Kellogg
Funding Agency :
South Central CASC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • South Central CASC




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