Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection (LCCC) - DUPLICATE CUTTINGS
Historically, the Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection (LCCC) is the principal compilation of NCGS?s borehole records. This is an electronic compilation of pre-1988, onshore holdings that documents core, cuttings and well logs for 875 borehole records. Hoffman and Nickerson (1988) provide an explanation of how this data was compiled and organized into an early database that was eventually migrated by J.G. Nickerson to an ARCGIS geodatabase. The database?s 875 borehole records are categorized as: 1) WELLDATA, 2) OILTEST, 3) TRIASSIC, and HARDROCK. WELLDATA includes borehole records for domestic, municipal, and industrial water wells; mineral exploration core holes and stratigraphic tests. OILTEST includes records of oil and gas exploration [...]
Historically, the Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection (LCCC) is the principal compilation of NCGS?s borehole records. This is an electronic compilation of pre-1988, onshore holdings that documents core, cuttings and well logs for 875 borehole records. Hoffman and Nickerson (1988) provide an explanation of how this data was compiled and organized into an early database that was eventually migrated by J.G. Nickerson to an ARCGIS geodatabase. The database?s 875 borehole records are categorized as: 1) WELLDATA, 2) OILTEST, 3) TRIASSIC, and HARDROCK. WELLDATA includes borehole records for domestic, municipal, and industrial water wells; mineral exploration core holes and stratigraphic tests. OILTEST includes records of oil and gas exploration wells. TRIASSIC includes borehole records in the Triassic Basins. HARDROCK includes borehole records for drilling in the Piedmont and mountain terranes, mostly related to mineral exploration.
The LCC collection referenced 11,000 ft of core, 365,000 ft of cuttings and 1250 geophysical logs (Hoffman and Nickerson, 1988). A standardized naming scheme was applied to all the boreholes, based on year drilled, county name, and order of acquisition. Each borehole has a folder at the CPO, organized by county and the standardized name, that holds any hardcopy metadata related to the borehole (e.g. letters of transmittal, core logs, downhole logs, etc). The NCGS metadata schema for borehole records in this collection includes twenty-four Field Names: NCGS CODE, OTHER CODE, GW GRID, COUNTY, WELL NAME, OPERATOR, DEPTH, WELL DATUM, LATITUTE, LONGITUDE, DRILLED BY, DATE DRILLED, LOGGED BY, DATE LOGGED, LOGS, SAMPLES, SLIDES, LITH LOG, CTGS, CTGS INTERVAL(S), CORE, CORE INTERVAL(S), SWC AND SWC INTERVAL(S). This is the NCGS metadata schema for all pre-1988 borehole records, namely, the LCC collection, which is the subject of several recent NGGDPP proposals. that head the columns of the spreadsheets that were eventually imported into an ARCGIS geodatabase.
In the 1990s, part of the LCC collection, mainly TRIASSIC and HARDROCK cores were moved to an off-site warehouse, called the Cary Annex; the moved core and other holdings in the Annex were not inventoried. The leaking roof of the Annex eventually collapsed after a major hailstorm that demolished vehicles in 2017. Fortunately, an NGGDPP FY17 grant provided funds for NCGS to hire a salvage company to rescue the holdings. The rescued contents included ~45 pallets of core (24,456 feet of core in 1,952 wet boxes) that remain uninventoried and deteriorating. As a result of an FY19 grant, NCGS confirmed that 235 borehole records of HARDROCK and TRIASSIC cores were placed in the Cary Annex. We now understand that these legacy cores are either lost, damaged, or remain at risk.
As a result of the FY19 NGGDPP inventory of the safely stored data from the LCC collection, the following collections were identified: 1) Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection – ORIGINAL MASTER; 2) Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection – CONFIRMED; 3) Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection – AT RISK OR LOST; 4) Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection – CORE ONLY; and, 5) Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection – CUTTINGS ONLY; 6) Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection – DUPLICATE CUTTINGS.
Contact the State Geologist, North Carolina Geological Survey, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612; office phone 919-707-9211. See website for email address of current State Geologist.
The DUPLICATE CUTTINGS collection identifies duplicate cuttings samples for a number of boreholes in the Legacy Core and Cuttings Collection. These remain stored in the NCGS?s Coastal Plain Office and Core Repository, but are shelved separatly from the ORIGINAL MASTER collection of cuttings.