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Thin section images of drill core from the Crescent Creek area in the Stillwater Complex, Montana


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Zientek, M.L., Parks, H.L., and Ducken, E.D., 2021, Thin section images of drill core from the Crescent Creek area in the Stillwater Complex, Montana: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections of drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, along with a shapefile representing the location of the drill hole. The core was drilled in order to study contact-type copper and nickel sulfide mineralization in the Stillwater Complex. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. Each zip file, named with the drill hole identification number, contains the images for a single drill hole. In response to file size restrictions, the data were organized into two parts. The "p1" and "p2" folder designations represent parts 1 and 2. The data in each zip file is organized into [...]


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This dataset provides lithologic and textural information for drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana. These data can be used to study contact-type mineralization that occurs near the lower contact (Basal series and hornfels rocks) of the Stillwater Complex. See USGS SIR 2014-5183 ( for report and spatial data relating to the Stillwater Complex.


  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9MUL13B

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