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Final Report: Near-term Climate Projections to Inform Adaptation in the Hawaiian Islands


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Thomas Giambelluca, 2021-03-20, Final Report: Near-term Climate Projections to Inform Adaptation in the Hawaiian Islands: .


Near-term climate change scenarios are increasingly important for strategic management, planning and decision-making processes. Regional climate change research projects have, until recently, focused almost exclusively on the long-term aspects of climate change by targeting the mid- and late-21st-century scenarios. However, stakeholders dealing with climate change related decision processes often require additional information on the developments in the coming two or three decades. The goal of this research project was to improve the scientific understanding of the range of near-term climate change trajectories and to develop near-term climate scenarios for the main Hawaiian Islands. Estimating human-induced (anthropogenic) climate [...]


Author :
Thomas Giambelluca
Funding Agency :
Pacific Islands CASC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Pacific Islands CASC




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