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Final Report: Streamflow response to a changing climate in the Upper Rio Grande Basin


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C David Moeser, 2021-03-16, Final Report: Streamflow response to a changing climate in the Upper Rio Grande Basin: .


Water availability in the Upper Rio Grande Basin is dependent on winter and monsoon season precipitation. Consecutive years of drought and above average temperatures have diminished water supply and increased demand for water in the southwestern United States. The increasing gap between water supply and demand is cause for concern and climate projections for the southwestern United States suggest that temperatures will continue to increase, affecting seasonal precipitation and water availability potentially widening the water supply and demand gap. To better manage current supply and prepare for possible future changes, water managers need projections of future streamflow and landscape conditions that may affect future water supply. [...]


Author :
C David Moeser
Funding Agency :
South Central CASC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • South Central CASC




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