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Raster and vector geospatial data of interpolated groundwater level altitude associated with a groundwater-level map of Fauquier County, Virginia, October - November 2018


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Kearns, M.R., 2022, Raster and vector geospatial data of interpolated groundwater level altitude associated with a groundwater-level map of Fauquier County, Virginia, October - November 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset is the product of a geospatial interpolation using groundwater-level data obtained from a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) synoptic survey of 129 groundwater wells in Fauquier County, VA from October 29 through November 2, 2018 and selected points from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Methodology is detailed in USGS SIR 2022-5014 "Groundwater-level contour map of Fauquier County, VA, October - November 2018." Files include a continuous raster surface of groundwater-level altitudes at a horizontal resolution of 30 meters and vector lines of discrete groundwater-level altitude contours.

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Point of Contact :
Matthew R Kearns
Originator :
Matthew R Kearns
Metadata Contact :
Matthew R Kearns
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources

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“Groundwater-level jpeg”
thumbnail 1.54 MB image/jpeg


The purpose of this dataset is to provide a geospatially referenced version of the groundwater-level map figure produced in the USGS SIR 2022-5014 "Groundwater-level contour map of Fauquier County, VA, October - November 2018." This dataset represents groundwater-level altitudes in Fauquier County, VA following a synoptic survey of 129 groundwater wells from October 29 through November 2, 2018. This dataset may be useful for other applications or analysis requiring groundwater-level altitudes.
Groundwater-level jpeg
Groundwater-level jpeg


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  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9JM7GYZ

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