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Grass Growth in Mining Wastes with Compost and Endophyte Additions


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Creamer, C.A. Leewis, M.C., Wright, E., and Foster, A., 2022, Grass Growth in Mining Wastes with Compost and Endophyte Additions: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Phytostabilization reduces the mobility of inorganic contaminants by establishing or enhancing plant growth. For small, remote, or abandoned mines, phytostabilization may reduce potential environmental hazards—provided plants can establish and grow. We grew a widespread perennial grass, Bouteloua curtipendula, in mining wastes with and without soil (compost, lime) and microbial amendments (endophyte seed coats) to determine whether we could improve plant establishment and growth. This data collection has four associated data releases: the physical elemental, and geochemical characteristics of the mining wastes and soil amendments; the laboratory environmental conditions during the growth of Bouteloua curtipendula in the mining wastes; [...]

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The datasets associated with this larger metadata is collection of our: characterization of mining wastes and soil amendments; growth of perennial grasses in the mining wastes; quantification of geochemical changes in the mining wastes after plant growth; and the environmental conditions during plant growth. These data were collected, and the experiments conducted, to determine whether plant growth and phytostabilization could be improved with soil and microbial amendments across multiple mining wastes from previously active hard rock mines in the Southwestern US. Please see the metadata associated with the associated data releases for descriptions of methodology, full datasets, and to determine best use practices and stipulations for appropriate use.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P99OYEXQ

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