National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric Reference and Derived Hydrofabrics
Publication Date
Bock, A.R., Blodgett, D.L., Johnson, J.M., Santiago, M., Wieczorek, M.E., 2024, PROVISIONAL: National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric Reference and Derived Hydrofabrics: U.S. Geological Survey data release, (DOI inactive until finalized)
The National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric Reference and Derived Hydrofabrics is a geospatial dataset of a network of connected rivers, lakes, and catchments used for hydrologic modeling. The dataset includes features and attributes representing hydrologic locations associated with observational data, cataloging, or reporting water data quantity or quality, and structures important to the storage and conveyance of surface water. It consists of one reference and three derived hydrofabrics designed to meet specific modeling needs with different levels of consolidation and aggregation of the reference features. The four hydrofabrics, which are stored and described in their respective child item folders, are the 1) Reference Fabric, 2) [...]
The National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric Reference and Derived Hydrofabrics is a geospatial dataset of a network of connected rivers, lakes, and catchments used for hydrologic modeling. The dataset includes features and attributes representing hydrologic locations associated with observational data, cataloging, or reporting water data quantity or quality, and structures important to the storage and conveyance of surface water. It consists of one reference and three derived hydrofabrics designed to meet specific modeling needs with different levels of consolidation and aggregation of the reference features. The four hydrofabrics, which are stored and described in their respective child item folders, are the 1) Reference Fabric, 2) Refactored Fabric, 3) Uniform Catchment Size Hydrofabric, and 4) Point of Interest (POI) Aggregated Hydrofabric.
The four representations are described as the following:
Reference Hydrofabric, which contains publicly available hydrologic locations and POIs, mainstem rivers, streams, catchments, and waterbodies with linked persistent identifiers, as well as topological, physical, and geometric feature attributes.
The derived hydrofabrics are :
Refactored Hydrofabric where very small catchments have been consolidated into larger ones and very large catchments are split into smaller ones to limit the size and represent important hydrologic locations more precisely.
Uniform Catchment Size Hydrofabric, a derived hydrofabric where the refactored hydrofabric (described above in #2) have been aggregated or split to achieve a as close to a user-specified catchment size as possible.
Point of Interest(POI) Aggregated Hydrofabric, a derived hydrofabric where the refactored hydrofabric (described above in #2) has been aggregated based on around a set of hydrologic locations or POIs.
Each of the four hydrofabrics is described within a unique child item, containing open geospatial consortium geopackages (.gpkg) for derived features within each NHDPlusV2 Vector Processing Unit (VPU), and one seamless geopackage for the conterminous United States. See child item metadata for more information.