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Data release for luminescence: Edwards Air Force Base (CA) and CA Water Science Center report including luminescence data and ages


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Mahan, S.A., Gray, H.J., Cyr, A.J., Krolczyk, E.T., and Miller, D.M., 2021, Data release for luminescence: Edwards Air Force Base (CA) and CA Water Science Center report including luminescence data and ages: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The following report summarizes the dating results from Aeolian deposits within and around Edwards Air Force Base in California. Within this report, we detail the methodology used by the USGS Luminescence Geochronology Laboratory to obtain ages including sample preparation methods, luminescence measurement, equivalent dose determination, and dating related calculations. We recommend that this report be included as the supplementary material for any publication(s) that use the ages within this report. This version supersedes all previous age estimates and reports.


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Cyr - Air Force Base data.csv 4.13 KB text/csv
Cyr - data dictionary.csv 8.12 KB text/csv


This report is for four samples from Leuhman Ridge in the NE corner of Edwards Air Force Base in California. These samples were collected by Andy Cyr and Dave Miller of the USGS in May 2020 and processed and measured by the USGS Luminescence Geochronology Lab in Denver, CO.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9IXG2JX

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