Census counts of benthic foraminifera, environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration), and radiocarbon measurements from cores obtained under and near a whale-fall off western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
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McGann, M., and Paull, C.K., 2021, Census counts of benthic foraminifera, environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration), and radiocarbon measurements from cores obtained under and near a whale-fall off western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9XB8QUV.
This data release provides census counts of benthic foraminifera (in percent for the total fauna and as raw counts for just the living specimens) as well as environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration) at the sampling sites, and radiocarbon measurements from selected push core samples obtained under and near a whale-fall off western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
This data release provides census counts of benthic foraminifera (in percent for the total fauna and as raw counts for just the living specimens) as well as environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration) at the sampling sites, and radiocarbon measurements from selected push core samples obtained under and near a whale-fall off western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
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Benthic foraminifera were obtained from 3-centimeter sediment sections of four push cores taken under and in the vicinity of a whale-fall off western Vancouver Island to investigate the impact the whale-fall had on the microfauna. Environmental parameters of temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration were used to characterize the oceanographic conditions at the sampling sites. Radiocarbon measurements were used to date the core sediment.