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Short vs intermediate-term fate of glucose and oxalic acid in surface and subsurface soils of a coastal grassland near Santa Cruz California


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McFarland, J.W., 2022, Short vs intermediate-term fate of glucose and oxalic acid in surface and subsurface soils of a coastal grassland near Santa Cruz California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Though the primary sources of organic matter to soil are plant inputs, the role of microorganisms as mediators of soil organic carbon preservation is increasingly recognized in the context of biological contributions to long-lived soil organic matter. However, current knowledge of sub-soil processes is insufficient to model microbial-derived carbon flow particularly at depth. Using a previously studied paleo-marine terrace (90 ka) located just north of Santa Cruz, CA, we characterized for three depths in the soil profile (-25, -75, and -125 cm) the short-term (days to weeks) and intermediate-term (months to years) fate of some of the most dynamic components of soil organic matter pools, low molecular weight organic compounds (LMWOC). [...]


Point of Contact :
Jack W McFarland
Process Contact :
Jack W McFarland
Originator :
Jack W McFarland
Metadata Contact :
Jack W McFarland
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
USGS Mission Area :

Attached Files

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Santa Cruz_terrace 2_field incubation data summary.csv 4.22 KB text/csv
Santa Cruz_terrace 2_field incubation soil gas data summary.csv 52.42 KB text/csv
Santa Cruz_terrace 2_field incubation soil gas sampling event summary.csv 1.05 KB text/csv
Santa Cruz_terrace 2_laboratory incubation data summary.csv 4.41 KB text/csv
Santa Cruz_terrace 2_preincubation soil data summary.csv 631 Bytes text/csv
Santa_Cruz_terrace 2_field incubation_soil moisture_BET.csv 1,009 Bytes text/csv
SCT2_image.jpg thumbnail 323.35 KB image/jpeg


These data were collected to identify how different forms of low molecular organic carbon (monomers of common constituents of soil organic carbon, e.g. carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, etc.) interact with soil microbial populations and mineral assemblages throughout a soil profile. The study incorporates surface (-25 cm) and subsurface (-75 and -125 cm) soil horizons as well as short-term (days to weeks) and intermediate-term (months to years) temporal scales in the experimental design, permitting a better understanding of turnover and persistence of some of the most dynamic components of soil organic carbon through different phases microbial utilization and association with the mineral matrix. These data can be aggregated into a larger data base to inform models that can forecast changes in soil C cycling over a broader range of temporal scales and soil depths than typical for data sets of this nature.
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DOI doi:10.5066/P98AD5H5

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