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Coastal Change Likelihood in the U.S. Northeast Region: Maine to Virginia


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Sterne, T.K., Pendleton, E.A., Lentz, E.E., and Henderson, R.E., 2023, Coastal change likelihood in the U.S. Northeast Region — Maine to Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Coastal resources are increasingly impacted by erosion, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, tidal flooding, and other potential hazards related to climate change. These hazards have varying impacts on coastal landscapes due to the numerous geologic, oceanographic, ecological, and socioeconomic factors that exist at a given location. Here, an assessment framework is introduced that synthesizes existing datasets describing the variability of the landscape and hazards that may act on it to evaluate the likelihood of coastal change along the U.S coastline within the coming decade. The pilot study, conducted in the Northeastern U.S. (Maine to Virginia), is comprised of datasets derived from a variety of federal, state, and local sources. [...]

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“Map showing the maximum coastal change likelihood value ”
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CCL is a first order planning tool that estimates the likelihood that an area of coast will experience change based on its inherit resistance to change, metrics associated with specific land cover types, and the hazards that impact a coast. The CCL Fabric dataset is a 10 mpp decision-tree-based assessment of land cover, elevation, slope, multi-decadal shoreline change trends, and marsh stability. Each raster cell is assigned a unique value based on the potential hazard scenario expected to occur in a given location. All relevant information pertaining to each grid cell is stored in the associated attribute table. This dataset covers the Northeast US coastline between +/- 10 meters elevation relative to mean high water (MHW) from Maine to Virginia.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P96A2Q5X

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