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U.S. Streamflow Drought During the Last Century: annual drought and low flow metrics, annual climate, and trends for the periods 1921-, 1951- and 1981-2020


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Hammond, J.C., Simeone, C.E., Hecht, J.S., Hodgkins, G.A., Lombard, M.A., McCabe, G.J., Wolock, D., Wieczorek, M.E., Olson, C.G., Caldwell, T.G., Dudley, R.K., and Sando, R., 2022, U.S. Streamflow Drought During the Last Century: annual drought and low flow metrics, annual climate, and trends for the periods 1921-, 1951- and 1981-2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains annual flow metrics quantifying drought and low streamflows for USGS GAGES-2 gages in the contiguous U.S. satisfying data completeness checks for the periods 1921-2020, 1951-2020, and 1981-2020. The dataset also contains annual climate variables from the USGS Monthly Water Balance Model (MWBM). The dataset provides trend analysis outputs for annual drought and low flow metrics for the periods 1921-2020, 1951-2020, and 1981-2020. Finally, we include six R language code files that were used to create the values included in this release as summarized in the process step section.


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

annual_climate_metrics_1921_2020_040822.csv 67.61 MB text/csv
trends_in_annual_flow_metrics_1921_2020_040822.csv 15.97 MB text/csv
1_audit_and_preprocess_streamflow.R 5.44 KB text/x-rsrc
2_calculate_daily_percentiles_streamflow.R 6.64 KB text/x-rsrc
3_calculate_drought_properties_for_percentiles_streamflow.R 11.29 KB text/x-rsrc
4_calculate_annual_stats_for_percentiles_streamflow.R 7.49 KB text/x-rsrc
GeneralKendall_Renard_041621.R 14.24 KB text/x-rsrc
5_calculate_median_cv_and_trends_in_annual_drought_and_low_flow_metrics.R 57.22 KB text/x-rsrc
annual_flow_metrics_1921_2020_040822.csv 725.54 MB text/csv


This data release supports the accompanying paper: "Going beyond low flows: Streamflow drought deficit and duration illuminate distinct spatiotemporal drought patterns and trends in the U.S. during the last century"



  • Regional IWAAs – Integrated Methods for Base Evaluation Project
  • USGS Data Release Products
  • USGS Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia Water Science Center



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DOI doi:10.5066/P96TXHDD

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