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Uniting Western Restoration Strategies and Traditional Knowledge to Build Community Capacity and Climate Resilience on the Navajo Nation

Principal Investigator
Elise Gornish


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Across the Navajo Nation, the negative effects of climate change are impacting soil and vegetation management practices to the detriment of ecosystem function, human health, cultural resiliency, and economic well-being. Conducting ecosystem restoration and shifting land management practices are critical elements of climate adaptation and dust mitigation strategies for the Navajo Nation. However, barriers to restoration exist. Restoration in drylands is incredibly difficult and nuanced, requiring the use of appropriate technologies, integration of multiple types of knowledge, appropriate high-quality locally-adapted native plant materials, and environmental professionals skilled in the techniques of dryland restoration in an increasingly [...]

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“Sunflower flats, great basin national park, NV. Credit: Shanell Owen, FWS.”
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projectStatusIn Progress

Sunflower flats, great basin national park, NV. Credit: Shanell Owen, FWS.
Sunflower flats, great basin national park, NV. Credit: Shanell Owen, FWS.


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ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southwest CASC



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