Bias-corrected daily precipitation at 1-kilometer (km) scale is provided for Puerto Rico. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used by Bowden and others (2018) to dynamically downscale the Community Climate System Model (CCSM4 or CESM) model for the future projection period 2040–60. Total hourly precipitation data (convective plus non-convective) for the innnermost domain in Bowden and others (2018; their domain 3) was aggregated to a daily timestep and then bias-corrected using Multiplicative Quantile Delta Mapping (MQDM; Cannon and others, 2015) with Daymet v4 as the observational gridded precipitation dataset (Thornton and others, 2020). The bias-corrected daily precipitation data is provided on the 1-km grid of the Puerto Rico water and energy balance model (GOES-PRWEB; Harmsen and others, 2021).
File can be read in R using the RNetCDF package as follows:""),"lat"),"lon"),"time"),"prcp")
To convert the times to POSIXlt in the local time zone for Puerto Rico (America/St_Thomas = AST), use: