File-based data for download:
Related report with figures:
Location and extent of the invasive annual grass threat across the sagebrush biome in the United States for 2020. Blue areas (dark and light, representing core sagebrush areas [CSAs] and growth opportunity areas [GOAs], respectively) are locations of high sagebrush ecological integrity and could serve as anchor points in an overall biome-wide strategy. A separate, high-resolution portable document format (PDF) version of this map is available at so stakeholders can zoom in and see the results at much smaller scales. By zooming in, one can see better that invasive annual grass threats are occurring at the edges of CSAs and GOAs and are not well represented at a range-wide extent.
Invasive annual grasses (for example, Bromus tectorum L. [cheatgrass] and Taeniatherum caput-medusae L. [medusahead]) have profound and well-documented effects on the ecological function of sagebrush plant communities including increased fire frequency and loss of native perennial species (Germino and others, 2016; Davies and others, 2021).