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Point Cloud derived from historical aerial imagery of the South Cow Mountain Recreational Area, Lake County, California, May 27, 1977


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Bond, S., and Curtis, J.A., 2023, Point cloud, digital surface model (DSM), and orthoimagery derived from historical aerial imagery of the South Cow Mountain Recreational Area, Lake County, California, May 27,1977: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The USGS, in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), created a series of geospatial products using historic aerial imagery and SfM photogrammetry methods. A point cloud dataset (.laz) of the South Cow Mountain Recreational Area was generated from stereo historical aerial imagery acquired in by the BLM in May of 1977. The aerial imagery were downloaded from the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Data Center's USGS Single Aerial Frame Photo archive and a was created using USGS guidelines. Photo alignment, error reduction, and dense point cloud generation followed guidelines documented in Over, J.R., Ritchie, A.C., Kranenburg, C.J., Brown, J.A., Buscombe, D., Noble, T., Sherwood, C.R., Warrick, J.A., [...]


Point of Contact :
Sandra Bond
Process Contact :
Sandra Bond
Originator :
Sandra Bond, Jennifer A Curtis
Metadata Contact :
Sandra Bond
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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These points provide the calculated XYZ (horizontal and vertical) coordinates and RGB (red-green-blue) values of the land surface on May 27, 1977. The product was created to demonstrate the use of structure-from-motion photogrammetry from historical aerial imagery for an erosion study and can be used to develop further datasets, such as digital elevation models, vegetation mapping, and land cover classification. However, due to the lack of high-quality GPS reference point, any direct volumetric comparison using these datasets by differencing the 1977 dense point cloud or DSM with more recent bare earth digital elevation models, should consider the horizontal and vertical Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE), minimum thresholds of significance, as well as vegetation bias.

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