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Field-Verified Irrigated Lands Dataset in the Milk River Basin of Montana and Alberta, 2021 and 2022


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Dutton, D.M. and Sando, R., 2023, Field-Verified Irrigated Lands in the Milk River Basin, Montana and Alberta: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Field-verified irrigated lands data were collected for the Remote Sensing Component of the St. Mary-Milk Rivers Consumptive Use study to aid in the identification and delineation of agricultural fields that are irrigated in 2021 and 2022 in the Milk River basin. This field verification of irrigated fields will provide data that will be used to ground truth evapotranspiration estimates obtained in the Milk River basin using remote sensing methods. This work is part of a larger project aimed at developing a historical database representing monthly actual evapotranspiration (ETa) totals in the Milk River basin from 1985-present using remote sensing. This database will lay the foundation for the establishment of a remote sensing tool with [...]


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To determine the amount of actual evapotranspiration (ETa) from irrigated land in the Milk River basin, field work was conducted in 2021 and 2022 to verify the locations, extents, and crop types of irrigated land. These extents will be used to estimate the ETa associated with known irrigation schedules and crop types in these years and used as a guide to associate the ETa estimates with irrigated land in previous years. They will also allow for a more robust validation of the ETa estimates from remote sensing by providing target calibration points relative to ETa estimated from local meteorological data collected at stations throughout the study area (e.g., AgriMet stations).


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DOI doi:10.5066/P9SA0RYH

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