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Water quality modeling results of total phosphorus for the lower Boise River near Parma, Idaho 2002 - 2021


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King, T.V., and Yoder, A.M., 2023, Water quality modeling results of total phosphorus for the lower Boise River near Parma, Idaho 2002 - 2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Three water-quality models were generated to estimate total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and loads from 2002 – 2021 in the Boise River near Parma, Idaho. A Weighted Regression on Time Discharge and Season (WRTDS) model and a Weighted Regression on Time Discharge and Season with Kalman filtering (WRTDS-K) model were generated using all observations within the study period to quantify rate of change in TP concentrations and loads. Further, these two models in addition to the Load ESTimator (LOADEST) model were generated using a subset of the observation data and evaluated on the observations withheld from model generation. The results of the models generated with all data are provided in one file ("full_mod_results.csv"), and the results [...]


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full_model_results.csv 321.84 KB text/csv
monthly_model_results.csv 355.42 KB text/csv
DataStream.png thumbnail 2.94 MB image/png


These data were collected and generated 1) to identify the direction and magnitude of changes in total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and loads in the lower Boise River near Parma, Idaho, for water years 2003 through 2021 ("full_mod_results.csv"), and 2) to perform an intra-model comparison to assess if standard water-quality models are able to reproduce observed TP concentrations and loads in a system where discharge is highly regulated and natural hydrologic signals are greatly attenuated ("monthly_model_results.csv").
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  • USGS Data Release Products
  • USGS Idaho Water Science Center



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DOI doi:10.5066/P98DMTAN

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