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Coded Water Conflict and Crisis Events in the Colorado River Basin, Derived from LexisNexis search 2005-2021


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Holloman, D.V., Hines, M.K., and Zoanni, D.K., 2023, Coded Water Conflict and Crisis Events in the Colorado River Basin, Derived from LexisNexis search 2005-2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The data in this data release are from an effort focused on understanding social vulnerability to water insecurity, resiliency demonstrated by institutions, and conflict or crisis around water resource management. This data release focuses on the conflict in crisis aspects of work. To characterize crisis a dual-prong, qualitative triangulation was used to identify and provide context for water conflict and other water-related events in the Colorado River Basin. The first prong was observation by research team members of nine public, recorded meetings of water control boards and official organizations in the Colorado River Basin. Discourse analysis was then used to identify major themes in these meetings, and integrated into data from [...]


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Colorado River Basin Water Conflict Table.csv
“Coded crisis and conflict events from Lexis Nexis”
211.33 KB text/csv
Uncoded_Events_Csv and 19.35 KB application/zip


The data were collected to catalogue and understand water-related conflicts in the Colorado River Basin. This benefits the growing human dimension research that USGS Water Mission Area is conducting and may be a source of background information to the water availability assessment reports which USGS is producing as a series of reports over the next few years.


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  • Water Resources Mission Area - Social & Economic Drivers Program



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9X6WR7J

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