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Ken Pierce's Legacy Field Notebooks and Annotated Aerial Photographs, Geological, and Topographical Maps from Across the Western United States 1963-2021 (ver. 2.0, January 2024)


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Preston, T.M., Pierce, K.L., Tjahjana, K.J., Martinez Torres, J., and Schlademan, M.K., 2023, Ken Pierce's Legacy Field Notebooks and Annotated Aerial Photographs, Geological, and Topographical Maps from Across the Western United States (ver. 2.0, January 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Ken Pierce was a Research Geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey for over 55 years and authored numerous scientific papers, geologic maps, and field trip guides. This data release contains digital scans of 64 field notebooks 713 annotated aerial photographs, and 640 annotated geologic and topographic maps authored or annotated by Ken Pierce or his collaborators. Information contained in these notebooks, aerial photographs, and maps provide much of the underpinning of Ken Pierce's research, which focused largely on the glacial and geomorphological history of Yellowstone National Park and surrounding areas.


Attached Files

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V2_Changes.txt 1.58 KB text/plain
Ken_Pierce_Notebooks.csv 6.45 KB text/csv
Ken_Pierce_Annotated_Aerial_Photographs.csv 39.74 KB text/csv
Ken_Pierce_Annotated_Geologic_Maps.csv 3.34 KB text/csv
Ken_Pierce_Annotated_Topographic_Maps.csv 34.81 KB text/csv 896.56 MB application/zip
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These data were collected to further geological and ecological understanding with a primary focus on determining the glacial and geomorphological history of Yellowstone National Park and surrounding areas.



  • ReSciColl Archive
  • USGS Data Release Products



Revision 2.0 by Todd Preston on January 18, 2024. To review the changes that were made, see “V2_Changes.txt” in the attached files section.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P91WVUXO

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