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Digital data from previous USGS hydrogeologic studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States


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Sweetkind, D.S., Colgan, J.P., Smout, B., and Barrette, N.C., 2023, Digital data from previous USGS hydrogeologic studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Note: this data release has been deprecated. Please see new data release here: This dataset captures in digital form the results of previously published U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Mission Area studies related to water resource assessment of Cenozoic strata and unconsolidated deposits within the Mississippi Embayment and the Gulf Coastal Plain of the south-central United States. The data are from reports published from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s by the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) studies and in 2008 by the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study (MERAS). These studies, and the data presented here, describe the geologic and hydrogeologic units of the Mississippi [...]


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This digital dataset was created as part of U.S. Geological Survey efforts to inventory, catalog, and release subsurface geologic data in geospatial form as part of a broad directive to develop 2D and 3D geologic information at detailed, national, and continental scales. This digital dataset results from goal within the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program to convert subsurface data that were previously published in non-digital format to digital, vector-based data suitable for use by the public and in USGS studies. The objective of the data conversion is to reproduce the original published mapping with little to no added interpretation. The elevation, thickness, and extent of subsurface geologic units are required to define the geologic layering in any digital geologic framework model; these data, derived from previous USGS studies, provide a fundamental starting point. The intended uses of this dataset include, but are not limited to, natural resource modeling, mapping, and visualization.

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Type Scheme Key
DOI doi:10.5066/P9JOHHO6
USGS_ScienceCenter Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center
USGS_MissionArea Core Science Systems
USGS_keywords Energy Resources, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Water Resources

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