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Supporting Cultural Resources Affected by Climate Change in the South-Central United States

Supporting Cultural Resources and Climate Change in the South Central Region
Principal Investigator
Renee McPherson


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To support cultural resources and better understand the regional implications of climate change, the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) has found it critical to be directly engaged in research activities with the Federally recognized Tribes across the South Central United States. The South Central CASC Tribal Sustainability Science Manager will engage in scientific research that addresses Tribal needs for adaptive management and sustainability in the South-Central U.S. through an a extended network of connections to Tribal governments. This work is key to enhancing the Trust relationship of the Tribes with the Department of the Interior. This project will provide supplemental support for the Sustainability Science [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Renee McPherson
Funding Agency :
South Central CASC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Butterfly - Credit: Emily Fort, USGS”
thumbnail 272.34 KB image/jpeg

Project Extension

projectStatusIn Progress

Butterfly - Credit: Emily Fort, USGS
Butterfly - Credit: Emily Fort, USGS


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • South Central CASC

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