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Final Report for Adaptation Strategies in the Face of Climate-Driven Ecological Transformation: Case Studies from Arctic Alaska and the U.S. Great Plains

Kim Hall


Publication Date


Kim Hall, 2023-03-15, Final Report for Adaptation Strategies in the Face of Climate-Driven Ecological Transformation: Case Studies from Arctic Alaska and the U.S. Great Plains.


Climate change is already affecting ecosystems, with the potential to trigger significant and permanent state changes in both natural and human systems. Ecological transformations may stem from gradual changes, or may occur rapidly; for an example, an extensive drought-related mortality event may be coupled with regeneration conditions that are no longer able to support the re-establishment of the historic ecosystem. In addition to climate change, patterns of land use and human water use, and site-scale management history may be important contributors to the degree or pace of change. This project focuses on climate-related risks in the Great Plains of the U.S., a grassland dominated region with a complex history of ecological change, [...]


Author :
Kim Hall
Funding Agency :
National CASC

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  • National CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers




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