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Climate Effects on Prescribed Fire Implementation and Efficacy in Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie

Climate effects on prescribed fire efficacy and usability in Northern Great Plains grasslands
Principal Investigator
Amy Symstad


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Prescribed burning – planned, controlled fires conducted under weather and fuel conditions designed for safety and effectiveness – is a common practice used to maintain and restore native prairies in the Northern Great Plains. However, climate change will affect the number of days in a year, and when, suitable conditions for prescribed fires occur. For instance, warmer temperatures may shift these “good prescribed-fire days” earlier in the spring and later in the fall, but uncertainty about future climate makes it hard to predict how large shifts will be and if the number of good fire days each year will generally increase or decrease. Further, it’s hard to know whether prescribed fires will continue to achieve their goals in new [...]

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Hillside at Arrowwood 2.jpg
“A Northern Great Plains grassland in North Dakota. Public Domain.”
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A Northern Great Plains grassland in North Dakota. Public Domain.
A Northern Great Plains grassland in North Dakota. Public Domain.


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ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • North Central CASC



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