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Climatic data associated with American-pika survey (2011-2021) locations in 3 regions of the Rocky Mountains


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Beever, E.A., Billman, P.D., and Westover, M.L., 2023, Climatic data associated with American-pika survey (2011-2021) locations in 3 regions of the Rocky Mountains: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Patch-level summary of 8 climatic characteristics at each of 1,865 talus patches across 3 regions in the Rocky Mountains. Dataset notes the year in which the patch was surveyed for pikas, the values of its climatic characteristics (estimated from the ClimateNA dataset), the name of each talus patch, and which of the 3 regions each patch occurs in.


Point of Contact :
Erik Beever
Originator :
Erik Beever, Peter D Billman, Marie L Westover
Metadata Contact :
GS-NOROCK Data Steward
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center
USGS Mission Area :

Attached Files

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DensityData.csv 91.8 KB text/csv
OccupancyData.csv 160.31 KB text/csv


Data were collected to identify whether any of 8 different predictors to explain patterns of occupancy and abundance in American pikas across northern New Mexico differed across space or time in their directionality, strength of species-climate relationship (i.e., coefficient), or both. Non-stationarity was examined using only univariate models.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9WB1EWC

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