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Developing Climate Calendars to Inform Invasive Species Management in the Northeast

Original Title: Thermal Calendars to Inform Management in a Changing Climate
Principal Investigator
Anthony D'Amato


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Controlling the spread and impacts of invasive species is becoming more challenging as climate conditions change. More relevant information is needed to guide timely and localized management actions for these species to preserve cultural resources and ecosystem integrity. Data products are most valuable when they are developed with input from the people who use them for invasive species management decisions. This project will invite decision makers, Tribal representatives, and natural resource managers to share the social and cultural values that influence their trust and use of data. These shared insights will be used by the project team to shape the format, delivery, and communication of a suite of map products reflecting “Thermal [...]

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“Galax urceolata - Credit: Alan Cressler, USGS”
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projectStatusIn Progress

Galax urceolata - Credit: Alan Cressler, USGS
Galax urceolata - Credit: Alan Cressler, USGS


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ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northeast CASC



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