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Drivers of Growth, Migration, and Bioaccumulation in Target Fish Species: Implications for a Changing Regional Climate

Principal Investigator
Keith H Nislow


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Overview A changing regional climate in the northeastern US has significant implications for the fundamental bioenergetics of fish species, with implications for their population resilience and their ability to provide critical ecosystem services, with particularly important implications for tribal communities. For example, warming soil and water temperatures may increase the accumulation of toxic methylmercury (MeHg) in aquatic food webs and in freshwater and migratory fishes. High levels of MeHg currently generate most of the fish consumption advisories across the northeast US, and climate-driven increases carry substantial economic and health risks. However, climate impacts Hg dynamics via multiple pathways ranging from impacts [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Keith H Nislow
Project Fellow :
Amy Teffer, Ethan Rutledge
Funding Agency :
Northeast CASC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Salmon Habitat - Credit: Peter Steenstra, USFWS”
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projectStatusIn Progress

Salmon Habitat - Credit: Peter Steenstra, USFWS
Salmon Habitat - Credit: Peter Steenstra, USFWS


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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northeast CASC

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