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Modeled surface waves from winds in South San Francisco Bay


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WinklerPrins, L.T., and Stevens, A.W., 2024, Modeled surface waves from winds in South San Francisco Bay: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


A model application using the phase-averaged wave model SWAN (in Delft3D) was developed to simulate wind waves in South San Francisco Bay, California, between 30 May 2021 and 19 May 2022. This data release describes the development of the model application, provides input files, and includes output from the model simulations in netCDF format. Model Application The model application included two domains (Fig. 1) that were 1-way coupled. The coarse overall model domain (wsfb_g1.grd) included the coastal ocean across the entire San Francisco Sacramento/San Joaquin Bay-Delta region was forced along the oceanic boundaries with measured time-varying, spatially uniform wave parameters derived from the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) [...]


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“Maps of extent of wave model domains (left) and of Hs in the South Bay (right)”
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A numerical model was applied to investigate seasonal differences in the wave energy along the eastern shoreline of South San Francisco Bay.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9QH0GU5

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