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Model Archive: Two-dimensional flow simulations of the Sacramento River near Glenn, California


Publication Date


Legleiter, C.J., and Kinzel, P.J., 2023, Hydrodynamic model output and image simulation code for evaluating image-based river velocimetry from a case study on the Sacramento River near Glenn, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This model archive contains the data and software application necessary to simulate two-dimensional hydraulic parameters along a 1.6 kilometer study reach of the Sacramento River near Glenn, California. The iRIC modeling system and the NAYS2DH solver were used to simulate three river flows (90, 191, and 255 cubic meters per second) and provide spatially distributed depths, velocities, and water-surface elevations along the study reach. The archive is split into child-items to help distinguish the individual components of the archive and make downloading of large files more manageable. The first child item in the archive is the hydraulic model software application. The second child item includes the topographic data used to construct [...]

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“Simulation of flow velocity in the modeled reach”
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Material Request Instructions

For any questions regarding these data, please contact:

Paul Kinzel -, 303-278-7941
United States Geological Survey
Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory
4620 Technology Drive, Suite 400
Golden, CO 80403


This dataset is a model archive whose purpose is to support the analysis associated with a paper describing a framework for Simulating Hydraulics and Images for Velocimetry Evaluation and Refinement (SHIVER), intended to facilitate development and testing of image-based river velocimetry algorithms. A reach of the Sacramento River near Glenn, California, was used as a case study to illustrate the application of this approach in the context of a particular study site.


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Additional Information


Type Scheme Key
DOI 10.5066/P9C19Z0S
USGS_ScienceCenter Observing Systems Division
USGS_MissionArea Water Resources
USGS_keywords Hydrology, Remote Sensing

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