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Video: Albatross Getting a Head Start on the Future


End Date
2017-12-29 10:00:00


Jeff Burgett(Point of Contact), Video: Albatross Getting a Head Start on the Future


In this five-minute video Eric Vanderwerf tells the heroic story of Pacific Rim Conservation creating new nesting colonies for Black-footed and Laysan Albatross at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge on Oahu. Sea level rise and extreme weather events will threaten the survival of their nests all throughout the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. This translocation effort to higher islands and choosing locations that are predator free will hopefully be the beginning of conservation actions that will help preserve these magnificent birds. We hope you are inspired by these efforts and we need your help amplifying this story and inspiring the next generation to get involved. This project shares an example of how we can proactively manage [...]


Point of Contact :
Georgia Hart-Fredeluces, Jeff Burgett
Principal Investigator :
Jeff Orig

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  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative

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