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Quaternary deposits of the 9-county San Francisco Bay Region: an areally continuous digital map database prepared from Knudsen and others (2000) and Witter and others (2006)


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Wentworth, C.M., Knudsen, K.L., and Witter, R.C., 2023, Quaternary deposits of the 9-county San Francisco Bay Region: an areally continuous digital map database prepared from Knudsen and others (2000) and Witter and others (2006): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This digital map database provides an areally continuous representation of the Quaternary surficial deposits of the San Francisco Bay region merged from the database files from Knudsen and others (2000) and Witter and others (2006). The more detailed mapping by Witter and others (2006) of the inner part of the region (compiled at a scale of 1:24,000), is given precedence over the less detailed mapping by Knudsen and others (2000) of the outer part of the area (compiled at a scale of 1:100,000). The Quaternary map database is accompanied by a list of the map-unit names represented by polygon identities, a digital map index of the 1:24,000-scale topographic quadrangles of the region, and a figure illustrating the contents of the database. [...]


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SFBR-Qmap-figure.jpg thumbnail 640.32 KB image/jpeg
SFBR-Qmap polygon identities.txt 3.89 KB text/plain
SFBR-Qmap-Ilustration of contents.pdf 5.82 MB application/pdf
Quaternary_Map-GISdata.7z 14.87 MB application/x-7z-compressed


This database makes the Quaternary deposits elements contained in the source reports available as a single, areally continuous digital map. The original mapping of the deposits was directed at providing a geologic framework for assessing the liquefaction susceptibility of surficial deposits in the San Francisco Bay region, but at the same time created what is still the best representation of Quaternary deposits in the region.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9OZNPUP

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